Grip: Research unit on children's psychosocial maladjustment
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Procedure for requesting access to data (DAD) for a research project
To access the GRIP data, submit your request DAD (Demande d'Accès aux Données) by e-mail.

For more information about this process, please contact the Data Management Coordinator.

  1. Identify the Longitudinal Study whose data you want to access.
  2. Identify the variables of interest and check their availability. You may obtain documentation on these variables by contacting the Data Management Coordinator. A global inventory is available on this Web site.
  3. Select the right form for your DAD. There are two different types of form depending on the status of your project:
    • Request for exploratory analyses (DADex)
    • Request for publication (DADpub)
  4. Submit your request by e-mail to the Data Management Coordinator. (The form must be submitted directly by the applicant).

Request for additional data:

To add more variables after project has been approved, the request must be resubmitted to the Data Management Coordinator. This is done using the original request form (DAD) and adding to the list of variables the new variables being requested, with an explanation justifying this addition.

Transmission of data:

After an analysis of the variables requested, approval of the research project by the researchers in charge of the study, and your acceptance of the fees associated with your request, the data file will then be transmitted to you by an analyst.

Transmission of data files:

You should receive your data file generally within 2-3 weeks. The length of time will depend on how long it takes to analyze the request (its clarity, originality); the availability of the data (which you should have verify before submitting your request); the response time for obtaining all necessary authorizations; and the time for the analyst to process the data.