Grip : Groupe de recherche sur l'inadaptation psychosociale chez l'enfant.
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Pérusse, Daniel Chercheur régulier
Ph.D. Anthropologie, Université de Montréal
Université de Montréal

Adresse (travail) : Groupe de recherche sur l'inadaptation psychosociale chez l'enfant (GRIP), Université de Montréal
Axe de recherche sur le développement cognitif et psychosocial (ADCP)
Centre de recherche de l'Hôpital Ste-Justine
3175 Côte Ste-Catherine Bloc 5, local 1571
Montréal (Québec)
H3T 1C5
Téléphone (travail) : (514) 345-4931 poste 4040
Télécopieur : (514) 345-2176
Département : Anthropologie

Intérêts de recherche

Santé mentale; troubles mentaux et comportementaux; génétique; génétique du comportement; neurosciences; imagerie par résonance magnétique et spectroscopie; comportement et psychologie humaine; psychologie du développement chez l'enfant; épidémiologie; épidémiologie de la santé mentale

 Publications  Articles avec comité de lecture

Brendgen, M., Girard, A., Vitaro, F., Dionne, G., Tremblay, R. E., Pérusse, D. & Boivin, M. (2014). Gene-environment processes linking peer victimization and physical health problems: A longitudinal twin study. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 39(1), 96-108.

Poliakova, N., Dionne, G., Dubreuil, É., Ditto, B., Pihl, R. O., Pérusse, D., Tremblay, R. E. & Boivin, M. (2014). A methodological comparison of the Porges algorithm, fast Fourier transform, and autoregressive spectral analysis for the estimation of heart rate variability in 5-month-old infants. Psychophysiology, 51(6), 579-583.

Boivin, M., Brendgen, M., Dionne, G., Dubois, L., Pérusse, D., Robaey, P., Tremblay, R. E. & Vitaro, F. (2013). The Quebec Newborn Twin Study Into Adolescence: 15 years later. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 16(1), 64-69.

Boivin, M., Brendgen, M., Vitaro, F., Dionne, G., Girard, A., Pérusse, D. & Tremblay, R. E. (2013). Strong genetic contribution to peer relationship difficulties at school entry: Findings from a Longitudinal Twin Study. Child Development, 84(3), 1098-1114.

Dubois, L., Diasparra, M., Bedard, B., Kaprio, J., Fontaine-Bisson, B., Pérusse, D., Tremblay, R. & Boivin, M. (2013). Gene-environment contributions to energy and macronutrient intakes in 9-year-old children: Results from the Quebec Newborn Twin Study. Physiology & Behavior, 119, 30-37.

Dubois, L., Diasparra, M., Bédard, B., Kaprio, J., Fontaine-Bisson, B., Tremblay, R., Boivin, M. & Pérusse, D. (2013). Genetic and environmental influences on eating behaviors in 2.5- and 9-year-old children: A longitudinal twin study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 10(134), 1-12.

Touchette, É., Dionne, G., Forget-Dubois, N., Petit, D., Pérusse, D., Falissard, B., Tremblay, R. E., Boivin, M. & Montplaisir, J. Y. (2013). Genetic and environmental influences on daytime and nighttime sleep duration in early childhood. Pediatrics, 131(6), e1874-e1880.

Brendgen, M., Boivin, M., Dionne, G., Barker, E. D., Vitaro, F., Girard, A., Tremblay, R. E. & Pérusse, D. (2011). Gene-environment processes linking aggression, peer victimization, and the teacher-child relationship. Child Development, 82(6), 2021-2036.

Fortier, E., Noreau, A., Lepore, F., Boivin, M., Pérusse, D., Rouleau, G. A. & Beauregard, M. (2011). Early influence of the rs4675690 on the neural substrates of sadness. Journal of Affective Disorders, 135(1-3), 336-340.

Lévesque, M. L., Beauregard, M., Ottenhof, K. W., Fortier, E., Tremblay, R. E., Brendgen, M., Pérusse, D., Dionne, G., Robaey, P., Vitaro, F., Boivin, M. & Booij, L. (2011). Altered patterns of brain activity during transient sadness in children at familial risk for major depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 135(1-3), 410-413.

Ouellet-Morin, I., Dionne, G., Lupien, S. J., Muckle, G., Côté, S., Pérusse, D., Tremblay, R. E. & Boivin, M. (2011). Prenatal alcohol exposure and cortisol activity in 19-month-old toddlers: an investigation of the moderating effects of sex and testosterone. Psychopharmacology, 214(1), 297-307.

Petitclerc, A., Boivin, M., Dionne, G., Pérusse, D. & Tremblay, R. E. (2011). Genetic and environmental etiology of disregard for rules. Behavior Genetics, 41(2), 192-200.

Plusquellec, P., Ouellet-Morin, I., Feng, B., Pérusse, D., Tremblay, R. E., Lupien, S. J. & Boivin, M. (2011). Salivary cortisol levels are associated with resource control in a competitive situation in 19 month-old boys. Hormones & Behavior, 60(2), 159-164.

Vitaro, F., Brendgen, M., Boivin, M., Cantin, S., Dionne, G., Tremblay, R. E., Girard, A. & Pérusse, D. (2011). A monozygotic twin difference study of friends' aggression and children's adjustment problems. Child Development, 82(2), 617-632.

Renouf, A., Brendgen, M., Parent, S., Vitaro, F., Zelazo, P. D., Boivin, M., Dionne, G., Tremblay, R. E., Pérusse, D. & Séguin, J. R. (2010). Relations between theory of mind and indirect and physical aggression in kindergarten: Evidence of the moderating role of prosocial behaviors. Social Development, 19(3), 535-555.

Renouf, A., Brendgen, M., Séguin, J. R., Vitaro, F., Boivin, M., Dionne, G., Tremblay, R. E. & Pérusse, D. (2010). Interactive links between theory of mind, peer victimization, and reactive and proactive aggression. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 38(8), 1109-1123.

Brendgen, M., Vitaro, F., Boivin, M., Girard, A., Bukowski, W. M., Dionne, G., Tremblay, R. E. & Pérusse, D. (2009). Gene-environment interplay between peer rejection and depressive behavior in children. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 50(8), 1009-1017.

Forget-Dubois, N., Dionne, G., Lemelin, J.-P., Pérusse, D., Tremblay, R. E. & Boivin, M. (2009). Early child language mediates the relation between home environment and school readiness. Child Development, 80(3), 736-749.

Ouellet-Morin, I., Dionne, G., Pérusse, D., Lupien, S., Arseneault, L., Barr, R. G., Tremblay, R. E. & Boivin, M. (2009). Daytime cortisol secretion in 6-month-old twins: Genetic and environmental contributions as a function of early familial adversity. Biological Psychiatry, 65(5), 409-416.

Soussignan, R., Boivin, M., Girard, A., Pérusse, D., Liu, X. & Tremblay, R. E. (2009). Genetic and environmental etiology of emotional and social behaviors in 5-month-old infant twins: Influence of the social context. Infant Behavior & Development, 32(1), 1-9.

Brendgen, M., Boivin, M., Vitaro, F., Bukowski, W. M., Dionne, G., Tremblay, R. E. & Pérusse, D. (2008). Linkages between children's and their friends' social and physical aggression: Evidence for a gene-environment interaction? Child Development, 79(1), 13-29.

Brendgen, M., Boivin, M., Vitaro, F., Girard, A., Dionne, G. & Pérusse, D. (2008). Gene-environment interaction between peer victimization and child aggression. Development and Psychopathology, 20(2), 455-471.

Deneault, J., Ricard, M., Gouin Décarie, T., Morin, P., Quintal, G., Boivin, M., Tremblay, R. E. & Pérusse, D. (2008). False belief and emotion understanding in monozygotic twins, dizygotic twins and non-twin children. Cognition and Emotion, 22(4), 697-708.

Dionne, G., Boivin, M., Séguin, J. R., Pérusse, D. & Tremblay, R. E. (2008). Gestational diabetes hinders language development in offspring. Pediatrics, 122(5), e1073-e1079.

Leblanc, N., Boivin, M., Dionne, G., Brendgen, M., Vitaro, F., Tremblay, R. E. & Pérusse, D. (2008). The development of hyperactive-impulsive behaviors during the preschool years: The predictive validity of parental assessments. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 36(7), 977-987.

Nguyen, B. H., Pérusse, D., Paquet, J., Petit, D., Boivin, M., Tremblay, R. E. & Montplaisir, J. (2008). Sleep terrors in children: A prospective study of twins. Pediatrics, 122(6), 1164-1167.

Ouellet-Morin, I., Boivin, M., Dionne, G., Lupien, S. J., Arseneault, L., Barr, R. G., Pérusse, D. & Tremblay, R. E. (2008). Variations in heritability of cortisol reactivity to stress as a function of early familial adversity among 19-month-old twins [Erratum]. Archives of General Psychiatry, 65(5), 520-.

Ouellet-Morin, I., Boivin, M., Dionne, G., Lupien, S. J., Arseneault, L., Barr, R. G., Pérusse, D. & Tremblay, R. E. (2008). Variations in Heritability of Cortisol Reactivity to Stress as a Function of Early Familial Adversity Among 19-Month-Old Twins. Archives of General Psychiatry, 65(2), 211-218.

Ouellet-Morin, I., Wigg, K. G., Feng, Y., Dionne, G., Robaey, P., Brendgen, M., Vitaro, F., Simard, L., Schachar, R., Tremblay, R. E., Pérusse, D., Boivin, M. & Barr, C. L. (2008). Association of the dopamine transporter gene and ADHD symptoms in a Canadian population-based sample of same-age twins. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B (Neuropsychiatric Genetics), 147B(8), 1442-1449.

Baillargeon, R. H., Normand, C. L., Séguin, J. R., Zoccolillo, M., Japel, C., Pérusse, D., Wu, H.-X., Boivin, M. & Tremblay, R. E. (2007). The evolution of problem and social competence behaviors during toddlerhood: A prospective population-based cohort survey. Infant Mental Health Journal, 28(1), 12-38.

Baillargeon, R. H., Zoccolillo, M., Keenan, K., Côté, S., Pérusse, D., Wu, H.-X., Boivin, M. & Tremblay, R. E. (2007). Gender differences in physical aggression: A prospective population-based survey of children before and after 2 years of age. Developmental Psychology, 43(1), 13-26.

Côté, C., Beauregard, M., Girard, A., Mensour, B., Mancini-Marïe, A. & Pérusse, D. (2007). Individual variation in neural correlates of sadness in children: A twin fMRI study. Human Brain Mapping, 28(6), 482-487.

Dubois, L., Girard, M., Girard, A., Tremblay, R. E., Boivin, M. & Pérusse, D. (2007). Genetic and environmental influences on body size in early childhood: A twin birth-cohort study. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 10(3), 479-485.

Forget-Dubois, N., Boivin, M., Dionne, G., Pierce, T., Tremblay, R. E. & Pérusse, D. (2007). A longitudinal twin study of the genetic and environmental etiology of maternal hostile-reactive behavior during infancy and toddlerhood. Infant Behavior & Development, 30(3), 453-465.

Lamarche, V., Brendgen, M., Boivin, M., Vitaro, F., Dionne, G. & Pérusse, D. (2007). Do friends' characteristics moderate the prospective links between peer victimization and reactive and proactive aggression? Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 35(4), 665-680.

Lemelin, J.-P., Boivin, M., Forget-Dubois, N., Dionne, G., Séguin, J. R., Brendgen, M., Vitaro, F., Tremblay, R. E. & Pérusse, D. (2007). The genetic-environmental etiology of cognitive school readiness and later academic achievement in early childhood. Child Development, 78(6), 1855-1869.

Plusquellec, P., François, N., Boivin, M., Pérusse, D. & Tremblay, R. E. (2007). Dominance among unfamiliar peers starts in infancy. Infant Mental Health Journal, 28(3), 324-343.

van Lier, P. A. C., Boivin, M., Dionne, G., Vitaro, F., Brendgen, M., Koot, H., Tremblay, R. E. & Pérusse, D. (2007). Kindergarten children's genetic vulnerabilities interact with friends' aggression to promote children's own aggression. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 46(8), 1080-1087.

Brendgen, M., Vitaro, F., Boivin, M., Dionne, G. & Pérusse, D. (2006). Examining genetic and environmental effects on reactive versus proactive aggression. Developmental Psychology, 42(6), 1299-1312.

Lamarche, V., Brendgen, M., Boivin, M., Vitaro, F., Pérusse, D. & Dionne, G. (2006). Do friendships and sibling relationships provide protection against peer victimization in a similar way? Social Development, 15(3), 373-393.

Boivin, M., Pérusse, D., Dionne, G., Saysset, V., Zoccolillo, M., Tarabulsy, G. M., Tremblay, N. & Tremblay, R. E. (2005). The genetic-environmental etiology of parents' perceptions and self-assessed behaviours toward their 5-months-old infants in a large twin and singleton sample. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 46(6), 612-630.

Brendgen, M., Dionne, G., Girard, A., Boivin, M., Vitaro, F. & Pérusse, D. (2005). Examining genetic and environmental effects on social aggression: A study of 6-year-old twins. Child Development, 76(4), 930-946.

Roy, C. A., Zoccolillo, M., Gruber, R., Boivin, M., Pérusse, D. & Tremblay, R. E. (2005). Construct validity of an instrument to assess major depression in parents in epidemiologic studies. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 50(12), 784-791.

Tremblay, R. E., Nagin, D. S., Séguin, J. R., Zoccolillo, M., Zelazo, P. D., Boivin, M., Pérusse, D. & Japel, C. (2005). Physical aggression during early childhood: trajectories and predictors. Canadian Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Review, 14(1), 3-9.

Tremblay, R. E., Nagin, D. S., Séguin, J. R., Zoccolillo, M., Zelazo, P. D., Boivin, M., Pérusse, D. & Japel, C. (2004). Physical aggression during early childhood: Trajectories and predictors. Pediatrics, 114(1), e43-e50.

 Chapitres de livre

Pérusse, D. & Gendreau, P. L. (2005). Genetics and the development of aggression. In R. E. Tremblay, W. W. Hartup, & J. Archer (Eds.), Developmental origins of aggression (pp. 223-241). New York, NY : Guilford Press.

Zoccolillo, M., Romano, E., Joubert, D., Mazzarello, T., Côté, S., Boivin, M., Pérusse, D. & Tremblay, R. E. (2005). The intergenerational transmission of aggression and antisocial behavior. In R. E. Tremblay, W. W. Hartup, & J. Archer (Eds.), Developmental origins of aggression (pp. 353-375). New York, NY : Guilford Press.

 Articles sans comité de lecture

Fortier, E., Noreau, A., Lepore, F., Boivin, M., Pérusse, D., Rouleau, G. A. & Beauregard, M. (2010). Early impact of 5-HTTLPR polymorphism on the neural correlates of sadness. Neuroscience Letters, 485(3), 261-265.

Tremblay, R. E., Nagin, D. S., Séguin, J. R., Zoccolillo, M., Zelazo, P. D., Boivin, M., Pérusse, D. & Japel, C. (2005). The early development of physical aggression in children. Policy Brief(1).

 Autre réalisation

Boivin, M., Lemelin, J.-P., Vitaro, F., Pérusse, D., Bukowski, W. M., Séguin, J. R. & Tremblay, R. E. (2005). Les déterminants de l’adaptation sociale et scolaire lors de l’entrée en milieu scolaire : une étude de jumeaux. In Santé Canada. Rapport de recherche présenté à Santé Canada dans le cadre du Programme national de recherche et de développement en matière de santé (PNRDS). Ottawa, ON.